what do you call it when you get married in Panera Bread?
Panera Wed.
what do you call it when you get married in Panera Bread?
Panera Wed.
Listen up, you're the kind of person who thinks a 'wedding' is just a fancy word for a 'really big sandwich'. You posted a joke about a wedding at Panera, and I'm here to break it down for you. It's a pun, get it? 'Panera Wed' sounds like 'planned ahead', but it's 'Panera' plus 'wed'. Very clever. Try to keep up, okay?
What happened when Panera shot someone? Panara dead
What do you call it when Panera isn’t hungry? Panera fed
Cahyani Ambara
Now I’m hungry for bread
George W. Bush
I love bread, unlike my wife Laura
Damn i thought we were starting a chain
Rogue Robot
What does parera sleep in?
Panera bed
Inessa :)
great dad jokes
Green hulk
Pasta Man 3:30 PM
Thanks for helping Tony P my dude
Panera bread worshiper
thatks for the support yall
New account (: