Money Logic With Mom

Son: Mom, can I borrow $50?

Mom: What? NO WAY! Do you think money grows on trees?

Son: Mom, what is money made of?

Mom: Paper.

Son: Where does paper come from?

Mom: . . .




The humor comes from the son's clever attempt to get money. He uses his mom's own words against her, pointing out that if money is made of paper, and paper comes from trees, then money kind of *does* grow on trees, at least indirectly. It's a silly but logical argument that she can't easily refute, leaving her speechless.

Comments (17)

please comment and like if you dont like this let me know

Omg thats amazing and achually paper is made from the bark thats one trees no offence to the maker of this joke,i purple you

ok and i respond to most of my comment i will try and make more on my spare time

aiden are you a youtuber?

I thought that was a very clever joke Aiden, thumbs up on that one!

portory to answer youre question no im not and thanks gwen

also anyone who wants to comment if you dont like it please comment it i need to know what i need to start changing about my jokes

Wait till ya realize that it's mostly cotton and cotton doesn't grow on trees.

Please, only nice things, that is the GOLDEN rule.