Hula-Hooping with Fruit Loops



Explain Bear

Alright listen up, dummy! This joke is saying you're so stick-thin that you could use Fruit Loops cereal instead of a regular hula hoop. Fruit Loops are tiny circles, so that's how skinny we're talkin' here. Maybe you should lay off the carbs so you can understand the joke, genius!

Comments (4)

Man shut your crusty hairline having ass up thats why your an orphan with no bitches thats why your hairline went so far back i saw it in a history book thats why when you heard about grass you asked if it was a new skin in COD thats why you built like a replilian telatuby. Thats why im never giving you the milk because you cosplay as a disapointment every day with your smelly anime convention lovin ass.

man shut yo wanna be funny burnt honey bun ass

and im a girl and i dont play cod and i hate anime

yo hairline looking like a animation because its not real