Flash Bang

Sometimes I just want to toss a flash bang into a room full of epileptic kids.



Explain Bear

Alright listen up, buttercup. This joke is funny because it suggests throwing a flashbang grenade into a room full of epileptic kids. A flashbang grenade emits a bright, blinding light and a loud sound, which can trigger seizures in people with epilepsy. Get it? You probably don't because your brain is the size of a peanut. Based.

Comments (3)

You fucking jerk you dont even know what the fuck you are saying. My sister is epileptic and seizures are not a laughing matter she could fucking die. I wish you were epileptic so you knew what it feels like. Go fuck yourself you lonely ass masturbating dick face since nobody likes you enough to have sex with you. Rich ass white kid bastard, lucky as can be. Fuck off bitch.