Ego to IQ Drop

If I wanted to kill myself, I would climb up to the top of your ego and jump to your IQ.




This is a dark joke that implies the target has an extremely high ego and an extremely low IQ. The joke uses hyperbole to suggest that the distance between the two is so great, it's a deadly drop.

Comments (21)

then again it hard to the depths of h+++

ha! jokes on you! you'd have to climb from my ego to get to my iq

But then you might never reach the bottom.

Sorry Narf69, but How is this Morbid?

To be fair, if your going to climb my ego then i'd advise some climbing gear and oxygen, don't forget food too, because it's going to take more than a day, and when your ready to jump, be in for a very, very, VERY, long fall, my IQ is like, in the negatives so be prepared, you might actually die before you hit the bottom.

555th like hold it RIGHT there...

Prolly still falling cause of the distance between his iq and ego.

You wouldn't fall very far, then

Instructions unclear. Climbed one step ladder, glitches to iq 200.

i told this to my ex and 2 weeks later he h@nged himself 😎😝

Wouldn't you be climbing up stairs if you were jumping off my ego then?

I got it to 667 pogggggg

like donald trump, who has a negative iq