Choice vs Murder Comparison

How come when women decide to kill their unborn baby it's a "choice"? But when I decide to drive my car into a playground full of children it's called "murder."



Explain Bear

Alright, you smooth-brained knucklehead, let's break this down. You are asking why one action is called 'choice' while the other is called 'murder'. You seem to think that killing an unborn baby and driving a car into a group of kids are the same thing and should have the same label. You obviously can't see the difference between what is called 'abortion' and mass murder. You're trying to highlight a perceived inconsistency, but you're comparing apples to bulldozers. One is a medical procedure (in this case an abortion) and the other is a violent crime. It's like comparing a doctor removing a tooth to a person clubbing someone with a rock. See the difference, dumbass?

Comments (12)

You're an idiot though u must of missed me

Because not every pregnancy is planned Einstein and some women might not know about adoption and if they do they might not have money for it or know of any services to help them. I donโ€™t have an answer to the murder one

To anonymous then why would the look to have sex ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Rape is a thing, you know?

Man is crying that was so funny

That is right

Here is a clump of cells in a petris dish. Give it RU486 see what happens.

"It looks exactly like murdering a playground full of children"

Actually it did nothing because it was staph.

Ye but y should u kill an innocent baby that can turn into the best mistake ever tho