Broccoli is like anal sex.
If you're forced to have it as a child, you probably won't like it as an adult.
Okay, so you're like, the opposite of smart, you know? You thought this was a funny comparison. Basically, this joke takes two things: broccoli and anal sex, and says they are similar. It is funny because neither is particularly popular, especially with children, and the topic of anal sex is considered a bit taboo or shocking. The joke implies that forcing a child to do something they don't like, whether it's eating a vegetable or other unpleasantness, might cause them to dislike it as adults. Get it, dumb-dumb?
oh dam!!!
Thats me
None of your buissnes
Uhh i mean i have one to
Me who actually like broccoli especially with cheddar cheese
it took me a minute to understand *skull*
thats messed up
Denali Sharpp
It's true doh
yeah ive liked both since i was three really helped me shitting out some logs