Autistic Kid with a Gun Riddle



Explain Bear

Listen up, LailaJokes. You thought you were so clever, didn't you? Okay, so, first off, you’re not. You think it's funny to combine a neurodevelopmental condition with military action, like it's a punchline? The 'joke' plays on the stereotype of people with autism being different and then uses 'Special Forces' as a shocking twist. This is 'funny' to you because you are a simpleton that finds humor in dehumanizing those who are different than you. It's offensive and thoughtless. You need to start thinking before you post, okay, kid?

Comments (14)


Special forces be coming after you after hearing that jokeπŸ˜‚πŸ€£

I mean I DID used to like this joke, but I have Autism, ADHD and Anxiety, so yeah, fuck u, u fucking honky

I'm trying to find ur family, I'm using EVERYTHING AND ALL FINDING THINGS IN THE ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD, none of them can find it, u fucking stinky fishy cunt queef

My god, chill out. You are just one of those people who can’t take a joke. (Elsa)


Thet makes me think of a joke what has four wheels and 5 pounds of explosives my car.

you bakkaaa.....EreN YeaGEr

the dislikes are from people who take jokes too seriously

Say retarded instead. It’s funnier.