All these African jokes aren't funny when you are a lover of Africa, how are there still Africans alive? Y'all are racist and may God forgive you. You know we're rich with natural resources, that's why y'all come to steal from us. Shame on you all!
African Jokes
Explain Bear
Listen here, genius. The joke ain't funny to the poster because they think it's messed up that people make jokes about Africans when Africa is rich in resources and people steal from them. I can tell that you would steal a lollipop from a baby and be all smug about it.
Fuck u
Choke on a biscuit oh wait you don't have any biscuits sorry
Its called a joke, however thought comment was a bit harsh, however after reading your comments the bloke was right. How sad you guys really really, aint your fault your racists and lack education its daddy fault oh sorry they ran away and left you. I aint African, however if u actually picked up a book you may find out that all mankind stems from Africa you dickheads, and had they not been robbed of there gold diamonds etc etc then things be very different. So sugguest you start reading
They’re just fucking jokes u fucktard
I agree
Adam mulhern
I have African friends who enjoy this jokes plus they show me jokes about the Irish (BTW I'm irish) like how we hord all there gold in pot under the rainbow.
BootAyy muncher
But you still ain't got water
bro just chill out there jokes
drown oh wait...
Ah yes, all of those natural resources in Africa, like food, and water... oh wait.
You you dont like the jokes then why read them and stay on the cite?dont make any since to if I think anyway
sh** what happened here?
Elver Galarga
take a joke retard
your dad left
just because we have food water and things you dont have you be a little sooky bitch
Don't take the jokes here too serious.
Nice balls ;)
Local PEDO
i am thirsty and dont have food anyway i am enjoying my holiday in africa