A Message for Gwen

This is to the girl/boy named Gwen: Are you okay? I see there is a bunch of haters but DON'T, I repeat, DON'T let the haters get to you. I hope you see this and respond and that you are okay. Please Gwen, be honest.



Explain Bear

Listen up, genius. You're probably one of those folks who needs instructions on a shampoo bottle. This ain't a joke; it's a person sendin' some love and support to someone named Gwen who's dealin' with some haters. It's like when I find a good honey spot, and I wanna share it, but instead of honey, it's, like, emotional support.

Comments (88)

Thankyou Anonymous Cat. (Btw I'm a girl) I'm ok. I usually get over this stuff pretty quickly. I am just thankful someone's on my side. Thankyou again. - With much sincere thanks, Gwen.

Btw are you a girl or boy?

Who's OP?

Original Poster (referring to Cat)

Oh, well thankyou! :)

I thought so. You didn't sound anything like a guy.

Very sweet of you Cat

Thanks guys the both of you are just the best friends anyone could ever(on the internet)

Do you know gwen Cat?

I don't know her in person but i know her online, from what i can perdict, (i might be wrong) she's sweet, nice, and kind hearted.

Very thoughtful of you Cat!

Both of you are right!

Btw do you go by any other names on this website?

Oh, I ask bc I don't think I've seen you outside of this post.

I've been outside this post many many times! But yea I sometimes go off the name "Nobody" and I went off of "Me" yesterday but only once, and exedra exedra.

Oh that´s nice. ill make sure if i see your posts ill like them.

Your sweet

I meant to Cat when I said I haven't seen you outside of this post, I do see other stuff you put Gwen, and yes she is very sweet!

Thank you 2! i don´t post much. every ones and awhile ill go post.

Hey, I'd love to see you around more

Same, you could save this website Anonymous Cat!


Yeah hey CAT RUN WHILE U STILL CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please calm down, she had good intentions. ( I'm not against you Kenya )

Shut up you annoying mongrels. I was enjoying this conversation and you had to stick your head in for the 0 people who asked you to

Your worse than I thought!

What! I would never call u the b word! Btw like anonymous cat said it not your fault! Still on ur side! #Good one! And u can tell it is not me cause I also include my last name

And 3rd of all you are not *B-I-T-C-H* Ur not a female dog! Ur nice person!

You are all FANTASTIC people, Kenya Bailey, Gwen, and MAGAnon

Awww thanks! I agree with you! :p haha

And you are too btw! :)

Hi again Cat!


Good hope u stay safe!

I hope you stay safe too! May i ask what you meen by idfs?

What does idfs mean?

I don't feel safe! Sorry should have put that in perthineses!

I thought it ment You should go to hell! KEEP DOING ORPHAN JOKES!!!!!

Can't you lay low for a bit Greg?

I'm only asking a favor

What's the favor? (i don't mean to seem nosy.)

mmmmm glad i wasnt blessed

Hi gwen love you! aunt has covid can we still like talk a little bit?

Hi prince where where u?

Anonymous Cat! HI!

I had a tuff break down

hi anonymous cat! hi gwen! you dont know me but i would love to be yalls freind!

hi im back on this app and that would be fine with me to be friends with you

Hey hola Anoymous cat

You girls are so cute and sweet. Truly SO Lovely to see folks sticking up for others when the world is mostly so cold & ugly out there— They think that the CaronaVirus is the scariest thing, but You Know What, sweet darlings !???;, PEOPLE IN GENERAL (As In; Folks around us, people all over on this earth), Are and what’s REALLY SCARY. I’ve been asked before, If I was afraid of monsters and Yes, Yes I Am— As These people today, sometimes, Are the REAL,True monsters. But y’all, Got GOOD HEARTS!

Don't let em get ya gwen

don't fall 4 their tricks