Why did the mop lick the floor of the bathroom? Because it was so poopy.
when i shit in the toliet i think that if shit hard anuff I can see my asshole plug.
What did one butt cheek say to the other?
"Together we can stop this shit."
Poop poop poop poop poop poop pp ppppppppppppoppppppppppooooooooooooooooooooppppppppppoooooopppp children pooooooooooooooooop in diapers
What do Cavemen poop in?
A Neander stall.
It's all shits and giggles till somebody giggles and shits.
I pooped in a bottle and stuck my finger through it. I took some of the boo boo out licked it and and rubbed it on a wall making a BOO BOO portal. I jumped into it and i saw BOO BOO LAND. I rolled all in the chunk poop and drank the diarrhea.
Why did piglet go to the bathroom?
To search for Poo.
Poopies in my undies.
What did one buttcheek say to the other buttcheek?
"Together we can stop this shit."
Snort poo poo.