What is the difference between et and an orphan et can actually call home
How do NASA plan parades?
They plan-et.
Why were ET's eyes so big?
Because he saw the phone bill.
what dos tiffany call chucky when he is stering at her barby ete your hurt out
How do you throw a space party?
You plan-et! Hahahaha, get it?
Hvis du tenker pÄ det, sÄ er adopsjon siste valget for et barn, sÄ de som er adoptert var siste valget.
How many letters are in the English Alphabet?
Twenty-two. ET went home, P ran down his leg, and he took ME with him.
I know this is a really bad poem, but I'll do it anyway 'cause I have nothing else to do.
'Twas so pretty a night, with people all asleep. Everyone's dreaming of that candy apple treat, and a palace. But alas! No, it's all a dream. Even eating ice cream, it's all a dream! Why can't I have this? Why can't I have that? BUT NO! It's just hitting you like a bat. YOU JUST HAVE TO HAVE IT, you say to yourself. All for me, all for me, and et cetera. It goes on and on. But why wish for riches? You're already rich enough. If you have a device, then take my advise, if you were poor you would have spent the money on food, like honey, not something that... OF ALL THINGS IS GOOGLE!
Like I said, it's really bad. :(
Toto is at school and asks if he can go to the bathroom. The teacher says no.
Then, she asks Toto, âWhere is the biggest river in the world?â
âUnder my bench,â he replies.
English: It's the story of two potatoes, one gets mashed and the other screams âOh mash!â
French: Câest lâhistoire de deux pommes de terre. Une dâelles se fait Ă©craser et lâautre sâĂ©crie âOh purĂ©e!â
Why did an orphan kill ET?
To phone home.
Why did Zozo the hobo cross the road?
To eat the Pringles.
Bonjour all ;-) , nd here a frog ( French) joke lol.
Qui a inventé le mÚtre et qui a inventé le centimÚtre? (Who invented the meter, and who invented the centimeter?)
Answer: Adam Ă inventĂ© le mĂȘtre, parce qu'il voulait le (mettre) de dans... (Adam invented the meter because he wanted to put it in).
Eve à inventée le centimetre, parce qu'elle voulait, le sentir-metre (centimetre) Eve invented the centimeter, because she wanted to feel it when going in...
The most famous line from Shakespeareâs play Julius Caesar is âEt tu, Brute?â
Why canât he just speak plain English?
What has three balls and flies through space?
E.T. the extra testicle.
What do you call a girl skeleton dancing?
A bone-Ă©tit.
Hello, Brudas, my name Badabeeyeabolamazoqanba. I, forty-eight-year man from Somalia. Sorry for bad England. I sold my wife for internet connect, and I am level thirteen in Roblacks. If you want to get batter in Roblacks, contact me at Gmail@borakoobama. Send me your bank account information and password. Than I well give you all the cotton you desire. Sorry for bad spelling. I kindergarden dropout.