What’s the difference between God and Hitler? God made thousands Of bread, Hitler made thousands of toast
Shower thoughts
I found Jeffrey Epstein’s diary the other day The last entry was about 12 years old
How do blind people know when to stop wiping? With a taste test
Why do Mexicans take Xanax? Because they’re Hispanic attacks
How long does it take a black woman to take out the trash? about nine months and a day
What does a pregnant slave and pay less sale have in common Buy one get one free
How are Asians like a box of chocolates? Either way they’ll kill your dog
I saw a black person riding bike, so I ran back to my garage. He was still eating.
Hey there little Mister I’m dating your sister
One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish. I’m breaking up with you bitch.
My friend fell on the Nile river and Egypt last week he swears by it, but he’s in denial
Why does the president take so long to deliver each sentence He’s just Biden his time
I tripped over my wife’s bra It was a Booby Trap
The man who invented Velcro died Rip
What do you call a really fat psychic 4chin Teller
I never forget my grandpa’s last words Are you still holding the ladder?
What is George Floyd’s? Best pick up line Your breathtaking
I asked my mom what is dark humor. She said see them boy over there In the wheelchair, ask him to walk I said, but I’m blind She responded exactly
What is a necrophiliac safe word I’m alive
Why can’t Jesus judge gay people? He got nailed right before he died