GG Miller

This is the Polo Gang.. Just posting corny dad jokes.
Registered on · 50 followers · Last active 3 days ago

You're so skinny, when you did your first jump on a pogo stick you would never come back.

You're so skinny that if I were to put you on a flagpole, you would wave in the wind.

We all know yo homie bout to hop in a fight when:

1. He staring mighty hard at y'all.

2. When your friend know you gon get your ass beat.

3. When your friend say he not gon jump in (you know he lying).

What's the difference between a pregnant woman and a pregnant emo girl? The emo girl still bleeds.

Whats the difference between an emo kid and an onion? You cry when you cut an onion

What do a jack-o-lantern and an emo have in common? They can both carve a new emotion.