Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

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What's blue and bad for your teeth?

A green brick that's painted blue after the original paint dries (it takes a little while to dry) but after it dries you can paint it and then it will be green. If the brick is green it is called a green brick as it is green (not blue anymore) and it hurts your teeth because brick is a hard material that can damage the bones in your mouth (also known as your teeth)

Orphan goes into a bar and the bartender says im sorry u need parent peemission to enter

Someone: I got chickens out there vibin Me: What? oh you mean those over sized chickens that just shows an example of you in real life Someone: . . .

if you are going to bully anyone, then bully an orphan. Because what are they going to do, tell their parents.

Women should have the right to choose whether they want to do cooking or cleaning first.

What is the difference from a orphan and a mailman The mailman goes home at the end of the day