Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

5 people online

What did the mama moose say to the calf after it got on her nerves? I'm not a-moosed right now.

Motherhood is like a fairy tale, but in reverse. You start out in a beautiful ball gown and end up in stained rags cleaning up after little people.

Every time you feel lucky to have your mother in your life, what should you tell her? I really hit the mother lode with you.

Why was it so hard for the pirate to call his mom? Because she left the phone off the hook!

My kids told me to have a good day, so I left them to their own devices and hoped for the best.

Why do some couples go to the gym together? Because they want their relationship to work out.

My husband asked me to get 6 cans of Sprite at the store. I realized when I got home that I had picked 7Up.