The USA guaranteeing freedom of speech is the biggest joke I've heard... Tell that to the people who were almost killed because their cars had "NASCAR Sucks" and "Country and Western is rubbish" on them!
I have to take out the trash but I couldn't find you
What do garbage bins and horny women have in common?
They wait to be filled with a big load.
i must have raped a woman in a skip. She said she felt rubbish.
A girl had black hair also i threw rubbish at to realise she wasnt a bin
Why can jesus walk on water Because rubbish floats
one day chemistry teacher asked his student whose name is Raj waht is chemical formula of water the Raj replied HIJKLMNO TEACHER WHAT IS THESE RUBBISH THE RAJ REPLIED YESTERDAY YOU THOGHT CHEMICAL FORMULA OF WATER IS H2O,
most of the jokes are t r a s h