Why did the duck cross the road to get to his quack dealer?
What did the duck say to the drug dealer?
Gimme some of that quack!
why did the ducky get arrested
he got caught selling quack
Why do duckies wipe after they poop?
Their butt quack.
Why did the ducks go to jail?
They sold quack.
Yo what quacking lacking? Looking for a ducking good time? I've got some one lines and knee slappers that ought to fix the bill. What happens flied upside down? It quacks up.
Why do ducks have feathers?
To cover their butt quacks!
Why did the duck cross the road to get to his QUACK-dealer.
Why can’t baby ducks lay eggs? Because their quacks are too small.
Two plus two is four. Minus one, that's three, quick maths. Every day, man's on the block. Smoke trees (Ah). See your girl in the park. That girl is a uckers. When the ting went quack-quack-quack You man were ducking (You man ducked). Hold tight, Asznee (My brudda). He's got the pumpy (Big ting). Hold tight, my man (My guy). He's got the frisbee (Few). I trap, trap, trap on the phone Movin' that cornflakes (Uh). Rice Krispies. Hold tight, my girl Whitney (My G). On, on, on, on, on the road doin' 10 toes Like my toes (Like my toes). You man thought I froze. I see a peng girl, then I pose (Chilin'). If she ain't on it, I ghost. Hah, look at your nose (Check your nose, fam). You donut. Nose long like garden hose.
Q: Why do birds need feathers?
A: To cover up their butt quack!
If chickens wake up when the Rooster crows, then when do ducks wake?
At the quack of dawn.
Where do ducks poop out of?
From their buttquack.
Teacher: What does a cow say?
Susie: Moo.
Teacher: Good. Now what does a duck say?
Jimmy: The duck goes quack.
Teacher: Now what does a pig say?
Little Jonny: A pig says, "Get up against the wall, you black motherfucker!"
I have a taste for some roast duck until the feathers will pop right out and say, "Quack, quack."
What type of sound does your crack make?
Answer: Quack!
What do you call a white duck?
A quacker.
The butt quack one.
Why do ducks have feathers?
To cover their butt quacks.
This page could use more "butt quack" jokes.