Other side

Other Side Jokes

hey hunter, thomas here why did the plane cross the road to get to the other side thanks guys remember to like it means a lot

hi this is Chloe and i am about to tell you about my joke . why did the cow cross the road because to get to the other side.

SCOOT WANT TAXI! Ok, maybe I do but can't make it there because yo mama is so fat he can't hear me on the other side. ๐Ÿ

Who works at IHOP? A girl with one leg.

P1: Why did the chicken cross the road?

P2: To get to the other side DUH?!?

P1: No dumbass, it's to get run over because he has depression, a chronic illness, and his father left him for a good for nothing pimp that doesnโ€™t even give a shit about how he feels. (Kinda like me).

P2: Holy shit are u ok? *Some random eavesdropping fucker dials 911 in a hurry*

Why did the orphan cross the street? Because they thought that mommy and daddy was on the other side.

Why did the hedgehog cross the road?

To get to the other side (suicide).

Why did the second hedgehog cross the road?

To see his flatmate.