These orphan jokes are getting old. I mean seriously haven't you got something better to tell
Why do orphans have 363 days on the calendar because they don’t have mothers or Father’s Day 😂🤣
stop with the orphan jokes. We're running out of orphans to joke about.
What did the orphan get for Christmas nothing because his parents ran away double whammy orphan jokes r like a kid with cancer it never gets old 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👌👌👌👌👌
You tell an orphan joke to an orphan. You start laughing, they start crying. They say they are going to tell their mom. Then you start laughing harder.
I would tell you an orphan joke, ehh I’ll just tell your parents instead
I have an orphan joke, but it needs parental guidance.
i don't know a orphan joke but i bib cyr last night
because i an orphan
guys, stop telling orphan jokes, soon they're gonna tell they're pare- oh wait, nvmd, carry on.
Hello I am Sflugo. I am opening the Pro Orphan Joke Club because a lot of people are sating to get rid of them but we say NO. If you want to join comment and say. #SaveOrphanJokes
Why can’t an orphan play baseball? They can’t run to home.
why does this website have a home page? its an orphan joke waiting to happen
I am the orphan joke
Why cant orphans play baseball
Because they cant find home
guys we should stop making orphan jokes.. There parents will get mad.... oh wait.. Continue 🙂
Me at the Anti-Orphan Jokes convention 💣🗡🔪🧨🔫
Why does Technoblade make orphan jokes??
Cuz he's the Father!!!
man:Stop with these orphan jokes me: why are they going to tell their parents on me
How do people grade pedophiles? 1st grade to 8th (I know it's orphan jokes but still)