A man goes into the streets of Moscow and yells, “I am tired of this guy with a silly mustache and stupid rules being a leader!” A soldier heard him, so he goes and catches him, later he brings the man to Stalin. The soldier says to Stalin what happened and Stalin asks the man, “Who were you thinking about when you yelled in the streets?” The man responds, “Of course, I was thinking about Hitler!” Stalin lets him go but then he stops the soldier and says, “Who were YOU thinking about?”
What do you call an angry nut with a mustache?
A pistachio.
What do you call a nut with a hairy upper lip? A mustach-io
Why do gay guys grow mustaches? 🤔
It’s disappointing that Los Angeles doesn’t offer better transportation, especially since my neighbor offers free mustache rides every night.
How did Hitler tie his tiny little shoesies?
With tiny little Nazis.
Sir, I mustache you a question...
Ah, never mind, I'll just shave it for later.
"Knock knock?"
"I mustache you a question, but I'll shave it for later!"