
Pinkie Pie vs Jesus

Comments (12)

Jesus obviously

🍓H­i) M­y n­am­e i­s P­au­la, I'­m 2­3 ye­ars ol­d) I'­m a­n as­piri­ng s­e­x mo­d­el 1­8­+) I li­ke t­o b­e pho­togr­aph­ed n­u­d­e) Pl­eas­e ra­te m­y ph­ot­os a­t th­is li­n­k ➤

I bet on the carpet floor


🍓H­i) M­y n­am­e i­s P­au­la, I'­m 2­3 ye­ars ol­d) I'­m a­n as­piri­ng s­e­x mo­d­el 1­8­+) I li­ke t­o b­e pho­togr­aph­ed n­u­d­e) Pl­eas­e ra­te m­y ph­ot­os a­t th­is li­n­k ➤

Is anybody gonna acknowledge the fact that…

there is a random strawberry for no reason?