he entered (kinder garten) class the {teacher said luce start for us and say the alphabet) he said a b c d e f g H I J K* just kidding lmno* laugh my nose off (teacher go to the Office right now young man ) i don't understand he just said jokes to the teacher lmao :D
Jon said:What do you call a pregnant woman? Mike said: I don’t know what? Jon said: kinder surprise
My sister asked me what is dark humor. I asked what does a cannibal call a pregnant woman? "Kinder Surprise!"
What do cannibals think when they see a pregnant woman
Kinder egg surprise
What does a cannibal call a pregnant person?
A Kinder Surprise.
Chuck Norris can make an omelet from Kinder surprise
What is a pedophile's favourite dating site? Kinder
Alle Kinder heißen Rune außer einer Pussy
alle kinder hedder rune undtag kurt han hed rune
alle kinder hiess melissa aufser kurt han hed det grime kurt bombomn
alle kinder name melissa nur nich melissa he name kurt fra zonen''
No matter how kind you are, German children are kinder.