Technological Retort

When Jim was playing on his phone, my grandfather told him, "You use way too much technology!" Jim then said, "No, YOU use too much technology!" and then Jim disconnected his grandfather’s life support.




This is a dark joke that plays on the idea of someone using technology in an extreme way. The twist is that Jim's response isn't just a comeback, but a literal act of ending his grandfather's life, using the 'technology' of life support to do it. It's absurd and shocking, which is why it's funny in a morbid way.

Comments (20)

That is soooo me..... lol XD

Oof this is hilarious

thats sad. I'm sad. im dead. why. we had a beautiful child together. remember the stuffing we used to make together, and that one christmas that uncle joe spilled it all over my flannel. that was the best day of my life. sometimes i look back at it in heaven and think, wow, my life was once great, but now im stuck in this dimension filled with sadness and hopelessness wondering if my life actually counted. or if my life was just some shit joke on bad website.

Im sorry grand dad

I have nothing to do other than google sad stories and this is the top one so far.Now Grandma have butt to beat hopefully she doesn't break anything trying to swing that belt.

The future is now old man!


The Ending is "look at all the tech you use, you Hypocrite." Then pulls the plug.

oh the irony-

You sure that's not Jim Moriarty?

Welp then, that went a wee bit far