Shoe Fight

What did one shoe say to the other shoe when they were fighting?

I wanna sock you in the eye so bad!




This is a pun that plays on the word "sock." Shoes can be called socks, and "sock" is also an action where you punch something. So the shoe is threatening to punch the other shoe in the eye.

Comments (11)

Thanks. I thought of that one while staring at my clock!

lol,I like all of your jokes,How do you come up with all of these amazing jokes

Thanks. I did a couple from books, and some I thought of while I was cleaning the kitchen, or just trying yo wrack my brain for jokes, but what really works most is thinking of something and trying to make a joke about it. Warning, Don't Think Too Hard If You Want To Try Because The Last Few Times I Fell Asleep Cuz I Thought Too Hard!!!

Happens sometimes gwen

ah don't say that about your self

don't say anything about your name either