Hey Jorden Calerendiá, your last name sounds like a sea food shop that I get my fish from.
Your roasting is trash just like you. Boy, stop roasting on Addison and Gwen and others; you're probably 5 years old trying to dislike that. That roasting is like from 1920, get a life.
oh im sorry I cant roast trash Jordan Seafood
Jorden Calerendiá
I never heard of seafood shop being named "Calerendiá" also if i was 5 who the hel would i be able to spell, also I don't even pick gwen just "Addison Banks" also im not roasting im joking
Can we pls not fight? Let's get along instead, the fight is soooo annoying, as Addison said, "You're fighting strangers you don't even know." fr she said that.
+ roasting is the same as joking!
Hoochie girl 101
Damn, good roast !!!!!
Kenya Bailey
His ass must be hurt 😟😟
Eric Brown
He sounds like a big asshole with nothing to do! Is he????
Funny, i was on wer u said is last name sounds like a seofood place!
Farod girson
It kinda does.
Jordan Calerendiá I bet ur mom is a slut and ur dad is a pain in the ass. Slut+pain in the ass= A slut who is a pain in the ass. I bet ur a stupid jackass mexican person
j.e_r-k [o]f[f] wi.th ran/dom g1rL --- gpslut . us
Tiffany Kirt
Watersharky you are so fucking cringe it’s unbelievable