Sandwich Comeback

Woman: What’s a good comeback for my sexist husband when he tells me to go make him a sandwich?

Husband: I know! How about you COMEBACK with a goddamn sandwich?




The humor comes from the husband's response, which is a play on the word 'comeback'. Instead of a witty retort, he suggests she literally 'come back' with the sandwich, subverting the wife's expectation of a clever answer and highlighting his own sexism in a self-aware way.

Comments (5)

That’s kind of sexist but not morbid @publisher

@morbidjoked Stfu I don’t see you attempting the make jokes on the internet this one was actually pretty good for a recent

@izayaorihara Izaya orihara sighs he’s so hot anyone seen durarara it’s so good everyone should watch it the first seasons on netflix

Feminazis are violent antu-life trash