Not Your Type



Explain Bear

Listen up, buttercup. This joke is playing on the word "type". First "type" is someone you are attracted to. The second "type" refers to typing on a keyboard! Your brain is so smooth it probably thinks alphabet soup is a complex dish.

Comments (129)

do what happens when i get a crush?

i dont get em i get obesessions

79 additional comments

who do i tell when i have these thoughts

Someone you trust probably

i wanan trust aaden but i cant rn

I would go to serena but shes also physco nd would just agree with me.

Nd thats about al i trust cause i cant go to u, roman, or tunrer 24/7

I think he’s probably just jealous and wants to spend time with u more

Yes, but i tlak to him all day every day

I dont have someone to turst with these thoughts..

i can trust him but not with things like this.

he hasnt seen the complety torn up kinda physco mental side of me.

he just dosent stop. he is tryning to ruin my life jsut cause i wont give him my disc cause he keeps hacking into it but im just done im quitting this site

i gtg to bed in 30 mins btw

also i js quit this site caus of him

guess who ur gunna haveto deal w/ not being ok for 3 weeks cause i gave up the reason im on electronics

ima carve wje into my skin so i eventulaly ocmeback to se the hell hole it was made into

only 2 more weeks till i can text u daily

goodnight i gtg for the night

Thank u Charlie u sleep well too