Two cows are grazing in a field.
One cow says to the other, "You ever worry about that mad cow disease?"
The other cow says, "Why would I care? I'm a helicopter!"
Two cows are grazing in a field.
One cow says to the other, "You ever worry about that mad cow disease?"
The other cow says, "Why would I care? I'm a helicopter!"
Alright, listen up, you smooth-brained mammal! This is what happens when you spend too much time sniffin' flowers instead of usin' that thinkin' muscle. So, there are these two cows, right? One's worried about gettin' sick, like any normal, grazin' creature would be. But the other cow? BAM! It hits you with the curveball that it identifies as a helicopter. It's funny because it doesn't make any sense! Cows can't be helicopters, ya dingus! It's unexpected and absurd.