Libertarian Party's Losing Streak

The Libertarian Party was founded in 1971, and the Libertarian Party has lost every presidential election since 1972, and according to the Libertarian Party the Libertarian Party is the only political party in the United States that is the party of principle. If the Libertarian Party is the party of principle then why hasn't the Libertarian Party won a presidential election since 1972?

Because it is politically motivated.



Explain Bear

Listen here, genius. You call yourself smart, but you're probably the kinda guy who thinks a participation trophy is a real achievement. This joke is about how the Libertarian Party keeps yapping about being all principled but can't win an election to save their lives. It's funny 'cause they're supposed to be all about freedom and winning, but they're just losing... like you in a debate.

Comments (2)

The Libertarian Party is just like the Democratic Party and the Republican Party in the United States, every thing that the Democratic Party or the Republican Party does politically is always politically motivated, the only difference is that the Libertarian Party has not won a presidential election in the United States since 1972

The truth always hurts doesn't Libertarians? as a reform Democrat all I have to say to you is you are worst than the Republican Party the only difference is you Libertarians have not won a presidential election since 1972 šŸ˜