Football vs Rape Comparison



Explain Bear

Alright, you duck-loving genius, let me break it down. You think it's funny to compare a violent crime like rape with a sport, just because you assume that women don't like the latter? You're using a logical fallacy and making an offensive, insensitive statement. It's not clever, it's just wrong.

Comments (16)

They don’t like rape either but ok 👌

my god its like it was a joke or somthin idk

What the fuck woman dont enjoy rape you sick bitch

This is the greatest joke of all time

Gender equality means male = female. I wish to be raped. By definition I am male. Male likes rape. Using the substitution property, Female likes rape.

Oh please shut up alright? Stop messing with gender and rape! There are women who enjoy football, and the majority absolutely HATES rape! Some people think that rape is fun or something, but it hurts really much, and it’s not funny.

hm yeah its almost as if it was a joke. On a joke website. Where you have to search for rape jokes specifically.

Lillili then leave this site! This site is for offensive jokes, if you can't take it then leave

pretty sure women do like rape because they dont want to be rescued

@Lilliluu stfu and kill yourself

The reason women don't wanna be rescued isn't because they like rape, it's because they would be embarrassed about being rescued, especially by a male. At least in my personal experience

women would like to be raped otherwise they wouldnt say they have been raped when they haven't. Got be something they like about it

@Anon4 people who do that are horrible but the majority (like 99.999%) of women don't like rape so don't take those chances

This comment section is full of pussies and cunts who cant take a fucking joke