Confucius on Cars

Confucius say, man who runs behind car will get exhausted, but man who runs in front of car will get tired.




This is a play on words. It sounds like it's going to be profound, but it ends up being a statement of the obvious. Running behind a car will be exhausting because you can't catch it, and running in front will make you tired because you are doing the work.

Comments (14)

This was a double pun... I hate and love whoever came up with this

fuck off

Real good pun Love the double.

suk me car haha get it boi

More like flattened

Confucius says, man who walks through airport door sideways with erection, is going to Bangkok.

spending money on a flat tire would leave you flat broke!

Good one man 👏

love the double pun

bro is those poop monster from mario in the front of the car....flattened