Choice vs Murder

Why is it that when women decide to kill an unborn baby, it's a "CHOICE," but when I decide to drive my F-150 into a playground full of kids, it's called "MURDER"!




The joke is based on the comparison between abortion and intentionally running over children, the joke intends to highlight an apparent inconsistency in how society views these two topics. It employs sarcasm and shock to provoke a reaction by satirizing different opinions of moral issues.

Comments (21)

Smh my head I know the cops are still after me

Made me laugh in ela class

Anonymous, question, how many did you kill?

I fucking love it nice one

Ikr, just not fair. Those parents looked horrified! So did the kids but we won't see them again.

wait are we still playing bowling

sorry but thats not actually funny

Thanks for the idea. I will now get an F-150 and do that.

It’s because you aren’t the one having the baby