Black People Protest Count



Explain Bear

Alright, you absolute walnut, let me break this down for ya. So, the joke plays on the stereotype that black people are always protesting. The punchline, '-1,' is supposed to be funny because it's illogical, and suggests they are so ready to protest, they start before anyone is even there. You didn't figure that out? Some people are just hopeless.

Comments (18)


Best joke I have heard in a while.

Umm can someone tell me the meaning of this joke please?šŸ˜…šŸ˜…

Because when cops kill one (-1) they all riot.

Im not understanding this joke but that one person is making a change somehow .that one person is standing for something that they think is wrong so i dont understand and a " cops job " is not to kill citizens beacuse they think its a gun when rlly it was a phone like it hurts you and its something that sticks to your like glue it never leaves you

They donā€™t protest, they loot and riot

how come there is only black jokes and not white?

Only if white people could educate themselves on their great grandfathers history! Whites BEEN rioting, lynching, burning crosses, burning homes and businesses of blacks; running a muck for DECADESā€¼ļø But the same skin says things like ā€œblacks donā€™t protestā€. You clearly was not educated on your history & it shows! These post help me to realize how ignorant you people are. All you old racist please hurry and die off itā€™s BEEN time for changeā€¼ļø Todayā€™s generation are not with the shits PERIOD!

Wow, wow, wow

@Geeg some of them protest, some of them loot and riot

@Shay I can't stand people like you trying to mush us all in with the racist cunts.

really offensive but kind of funny