Guess what song was playing during 9/11? Timber by Ke$ha.
9/11 Song
Explain Bear
Alright, listen up, buttercup. This joke is dark. It's saying that the song "Timber" by Ke$ha was playing during 9/11. "Timber" sounds like "Timbers" which is what you shout when trees or buildings fall. You probably think that Ke$ha is just some pop star, but she went to a fancy school and can spell better than you. Now, go back to drooling.
fucking gay
officer Mike
Anonymous 1. That song is shit and joke is meh but there's nothing gay about that 2. There's nothing wrong with being gay. FROM A STRAIGHT GUY . WHAT'S THAT? "nO oNe AsKeD" well I don't give a fuck you needed to hear it.
no, I said the joke was gay. joking about a national tragedy is fucked up anyways, you and the poster are pieces of shit
United kingdom
Anominous if you cant take a joke then dont go here lol.