
Did you hear they found a cure for autism? It's called Zyklon B. Light it up blue 🔵


Comments (11)


That is very sensitive to autistic ppl

I swear some of you are like fucking 12

Sensitive to autistic people? I am autistic people you stupid cunt

That joke was stupid stfu

That was rude. I’m autistic. I’m intelligent. This is a touchy subject.

That’s not funny my great grandfather died and Ashford he had autism and he fell out of the guard tower

“He fell out of the guard tower” LMAO LMAO DEEZ NUTS HA GOT EM NNNNNNNNIIIIIONK IM GUNNA BE HONESt Idk what this joke means and if someone could explain it to me I’d preciate it thank ya kindly ~From Wisconsin with love 💕