Wheelchair Thief

To the guy in the wheelchair who stole my camouflage jacket... You can hide, but you can't run.




The humor comes from the irony of someone in a wheelchair being told they can't run. It plays on the stereotype that people in wheelchairs have limited mobility. The camouflage jacket adds another layer, implying they're trying to hide but the wheelchair makes it difficult.

Comments (30)

stop discriminating disable dpeople

@Reply to george. Dude did you even read that the disabled guy stole the jacket first?

That wasn't in any way funny. Not because it was about disability, it was just plain sh1te.

good m8

Disable dpeople wait you are part of the soviets are you release the nukes

bruh I f you don't like it go away from this page, its like a easly offened black person going to the kkk website

To people saying ‘This is mean’ or stuff like that, I’m in a wheelchair and all these jokes are hilarious

I've been in a wheelchair 15 years... don't listen to the Karen's. That shit was funny! 😂😂

GG you INSULTED him more than you descusted you mum when you were born

I'm in a wheel chair. I've been in it for almost a year now and I still enjoy going scoot! scoot! as i go down a almost flat hill for some reson im tying to learn how to drift

Both of my sisters are disabled and my mum... wanna know how that feels honey? Not good! Just stop making jokes about people in wheelchairs? Some aren’t even mentally disabled and have to put up with your shitty jokes... I’m only a teenager and I can see what’s wrong with this, get a grip. Have a nice life 👍


@ella i agree its not okay.

Folks, a lot of us in chairs make jokes like this all the time. We use it to make a bad situation better sometimes.

@ella they're not talking about your mom or sister it's called dark humor jokes for a reason some things are fucked up in the world just get over it LMAO.

As a disabled person stop being pussies and fake woke most of us would rather laugh than be half as uptight as the idiots who came a subeeddit called DISABLED JOKES and got a offended. Talk about reaching your target audience lol. If you don't get that your just proving my point

i’ve never been so frickin relatable to this 1

@ella then why did u even search about this shit

i mean ur not wrong broo

The comments are as funny as the jokes