Spell "I cup." It's funny.
What's a footlong and slippery?
A slipper.
What do you call a garage that is gay?
A gyarge.
What's a chicken's deadliest day?
Hi, I'm Depraashin.
Hi, I'm rope. May I hang with you guys?
What's 9/11 survivors' least favorite NFL team?
New York Jets.
Why can't two Asians make a white baby?
Because two wongs don't make a white.
Why was the dog stealing shingles?
He wanted to be a woofer.
What does a cannibal call people in water?
Sea food.
89 cows = 0 cows.
One knight, a king, and a queen went fishing. They each caught one fish, so how did three fish end up in the bucket?
One "knight"!!!
Q.What kind of school does an ice cream man go to? A.Sunday school! Psst!Don't understand?Well,"Sunday"sounds like "Sundae".Get it now?Nope?Sorry.Plus,it's a ice cream homophone joke.
If O2 is H2O, what is F?
It is H2O too; F is water as well.
What type of teacher doesn't fart in public?
A private tutor/tooter.
What do you call a dog that tells time?
A watchdog.
What do you call an hourglass with no sand in it?
A waist of time.
What do you call a mountain of kittens?
A meowtain.
16 is a knight? Mail.
What is a panda's favorite cooking implement?
A pan-duh.
My mom said that I don't listen to homophones, but then I said, "No, I listen to headphones."