here some questions firesharky, 1-What color hair do u have? 2-Whats MY parents names? What hospital where u born in. 3-What state where u born in? Do not say i dont know.
Ok, everyone on this website... I HAVE NO BROTHERS OR SISTERS. The person who claims he's my "brother" is firesharky. He is trying to get fame. Never listen to him. He will lie and trick you to think I have a brother, but I don't.
"Hey, Firesharky... How did you know if I was your brother when I'm not? You didn't even say my name, and plus, I'm lying about my name."
You smell like you farted FARTED harded HARDED A B Honor Roll. All Fs, you r*tarded. OHHHH!
Hello, I am firesharky, the brother of Watersharky.