One time a blind person grabbed my arm thinking it was something else.
"Oh wow, this is such an interesting book!"
If a blind person can’t see then, do they sleep?
They’re the night watchers while people who see sleep
Why are blind people bad at catching things? Because they never see it coming.
How to kill a blind person.
Give them a gun and tell them it's a hairdryer.
What did the parents rearrange the furniture to punish a child?
Guess he was a stupid blind motherfucker 🖕 that didn't even know how to use a cane to figure out where they put the furniture.
Helen Keller walked into a bar... And into a table, and into a chair
Stop it! What if a blind person sa- oh wait, never mind, carry on.
Why did the blind man fall in the well? Because he couldn't see that well.
Q/ how do you punish a blind person
A/ give them a gun and tell the its a hairdryer