what do fish smoke? a puffer
My fish can break dance. Only for 20 seconds and only once.
What is a dry swimmer?
Not in the water...
I used to have a goldfish which breakdanced on the floor. But only for like twenty seconds.
A fully grown bull Great White Shark is 15 feet long and can open its jaws up to 1.2 meters long. It could eat a small child in seconds. Anyways, I lost my job at the aquarium...
The "W" in Africa stands for water.
What's a kind of cat that lives in the water? Octopus _____
Ya know life as a pufferfish is tuff. They get startled they the get hard.
What would the Mandalorian be called if it was made in an aquatic center?
What do you get when you cross a cow with a fish?
A genetically unstable animal that is impossible and would die instantly upon existing. If it could live, it would be a deformed, parasitic tumor that undulates through people.
Hey guys! It's Triple G you can give me more ideas on jokes, mainly Fish and Sea jokes as those are the jokes I specialise and only do best on the comment section below. Please do feel free to thumbs down and comment on improvements as well as thumbsing up and saying what you liked! :)
Au revouir, GGG
Where do fish keep their money?
In a riverbank!