How did the orphan become famous? They said, "Go big or go home."
What do Michelangelo and Hitler have in common?
They both used their brain to paint the ceiling.
The teacher is asking you a question.
Teacher: "If your biggest dream came true, what would you be?"
Me: "Dead."
Sixty years ago, Stephen Hawking's teacher got fired for accidentally making an offensive joke. What was it? Go for your dreams, kids. Reach for the stars.
I wanted to be an astronaut, but my parents always told me when I was little that the sky was the limit.
Everyone in my class: "I can't wait until I have a family, I can't wait to study for my dream job."
My friends: "What's your dream job?"
Me: "I'm going to die young :))"
My hopes and dreams.
Teacher: What do you want when you grow up?
That depressed kid in class: Dead.