What’s the best part about being a circumcision doctor?
The pay is good and you also get to keep the tips!
What’s the best part about being a circumcision doctor?
The pay is good and you also get to keep the tips!
Why are orphans so bad at dodgeball Because nobody misses them
Why are orphans so bad at dodgeball Because nobody misses them
Why are orphans so bad at dodgeball Because nobody misses them
What’s the difference between chocolate and people You can’t buy people nowadays
What’s the difference between chocolate and people?
You can’t buy people nowadays.
How was copper wire invented?
Two Jewish people fighting over a penny.
Did you hear about the woman who put her husband’s ashes in a burrito?
He gets to tear that ass up one more time.
How is a priest like a wristwatch?
They both start at 12.
Why do vegans use blowjobs?
Because they can’t take real meat.
How many emo kids does it take to change a lightbulb None they just like hanging in the dark
My sister is so stupid she thought LBJ was Spanish for blowjob.
A gay couple and a lesbian couple are going on a cruise who gets their first Obviously the lesbian couple they got their lickety-split. The gay couple was still packing their shit.
Why do gay men hate Periods because They per Collins
What do you do after fucking the loosest pussy ever? Close the casket
What do you do after fucking the loosest pussy ever?
Close the casket.
How do they execute paraplegics With the electric wheel chair
They have a new line of socks for paraplegics.
They are so comfortable they can't even feel them.
What’s better than Stephen Hawking?
Stephen walking.
Why does 9/11 only get a day but Pride gets an entire month? Because pride is a bigger tragedy.