Why are gay guys so rude
Because they’re fucking assholes
Why are gay guys so rude
Because they’re fucking assholes
What do you call getting gonorrhea from a disabled person?
A slow clap
Why is the white guy in prison scarier than a black guy in prison?
Because the white guy actually did it.
What’s the difference between cancer and my brother
My brother didn’t beat cancer
Wants worse than ants in you pants
Your uncle
How do you blind fold a woman
Put a wind shield in front of them.
I bought my blind friend a cheese grater for his birthday.
He said it was the most violent book he’s ever read.
What can jump higher than a basketball player? and emo kid, they never touch the ground
When I’m bored I text a random number “I hid the body... now what”
What do trans men and Pinocchio have in common? Both are lying when they say "I'm a real boy"
“I had a great day today Because Allison was frustrated at her calculator and started banging it on the side of the table and the teacher screamed, 'Allison how would you like it if I banged you on the table?'"
What do you get when you cross bill cosby and Jeffrey Epstein? Predator 2
Asked my dad what LGBT stands for
He started with "Lettuce? Bacon. Tomato. What's the 'g' for?" Obviously I had to reply with "Garnish".
whats the difference between Chris Brown and Santa. Santa stops at 3 hoes
How do you stop a baby from crying? You drown it.
What do you call a suicide bomber in a wheelchair?
I pushed a kid on a wheelchair into the school fire and said "hot wheels"
How are women like swimming pools?
They cost a great deal of money to maintain considering the time you spend inside
The bands Def Leppard and Blind Melon did a collaboration. They called the song “Helen Keller
At what point does a joke become a dad joke? When it disappears and never returns home