U.S.A: No Queen? England: No towers?
I'm The NIGGA You Dream Of
Why can’t English people play chess? They ain't got no queen.
Why can’t orphans play baseball? They ain't got got no home to run to.
Why do orphans like getting kidnapped Because someone actually wants them
Guess what? I have a baby in ten trashcans.
What do you call a blind German man? A Nazi.
Son: Daddy, what's dark humor? Dad: See that man over there with no arms or legs? Go tell him to stand up and clap. Son: But Daddy, I'm blind. Dad: Exactly.
Chuck Norris has a grizzly bear carpet in his room. It's not dead, just afraid to move.
Chuck Norris built the hospital he was born in.
Chuck Norris has gone to mars. That's why there is no life on it.
Chuck Norris heard that nothing in the world could kill him.
So he tracked down nothing in the world and killed it.
Chuck Norris met god once. Now god is the puny human.
Chuck Norris can kick an apple from an orange tree and make the best lemonade you've ever had.
Chuck Norris once went to hell. After that the Devil only falls asleep after he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris once said that he didn't like a the plane he was riding in. Out of sadness, the plane committed suicide. How you ask? Ask the Twin Towers
Stephen hawking once stood up to bow down to chuck norris
When Chuck Norris breaks a mirror, the mirror gets 7 years of bad luck
MVP means: “Most Valuable Player”. In Chuck Norris case: “Most Vaginas Penetrated”.
Chuck Norris is a genius for this : Walker Texas Ranger = Wrangler Karate Sex
Chuck Norris died, but Death was to afraid to tell him.