I wish death was in the form of a woman.
That way, it would never come for me.
I wish death was in the form of a woman.
That way, it would never come for me.
What did the cannibal say when his friend fell on the floor?
" 5 second rule! "
What does a cannibal call a pregnant person?
A Kinder surprise!
When is a door not a door?
What are the 2 fights Africa could never win?
A food fight and a water fight!
What type of game is Africa playing at the moment?
The Hunger Games!
What is a terrorist's DJ name?
Osama Spin Laden Dropping beats like the twin towers!
What mental illness do terrorists suffer from?
Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED)
Are you sure your father isn't a thief? Because he stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes.
If your eyes were the sea, I would drown in them.
I could never fall out of a boat because I've already fallen for you.
There are 206 bones in my body. When I look at you, it becomes 207.
Today in class, I screamed "Jenga!"
We were watching a 9/11 documentary.
Are you made of Gold, Titanium, Sulfur, Titanium, and Carbon?
Cause damn you lookin kinda Au Ti S Ti C.
Girls are like stones.
The flat ones get skipped.
What do you call a autism kid with a gun?
Special forces.
Wanna play shark attack? I eat, you scream!
What happens when you have dry elbows at work? You don't have any elbow grease to put into it.
"I don't trust stairs. They're always up to something."
What's Harry Potter's favorite way of going down a hill? Walking. JK, Rolling.