Wade ツ

He's on top of you! He's going in through the back! OH GOD, HE'S INSIDE!
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What’s worse than getting a job at McDonald’s? Not getting the job at McDonald’s.

What was going through the heads of the 9/11 victims on the 42nd floor? The 43rd floor.

Why do people hate jokes about the World Trade Center? Because its an easy target.

So, gender equality is the a woman can do anything a man can right? That they should be treated the same? So therefore if she swings on me, I could punch her into the twin towers because of gender equality. I love gender equality.

A kid in the back of the class just yelled “Jenga!” The class was watching a 9/11 documentary.

Why is it inappropriate when guys say their girlfriends are their “Partners in Crime”? Like we get it bro she’s underage.

Why does Ezra Miller’s Flash run in a straight line in The Flash movie? Bro ain’t straight.

What is the worst thing about your birthday being on September 11? Party crashers.

Do you know the best thing about killing a hooker? Not only do you get your money back, but, the second hour is free.

Knock, knock. (Whose there?) Your dad. (But my dads dead.) I know, just reminding you!