Damn, the guy who made the "Whip/Nae Nae" song really made his cousin go Silento.
Cricket Green
I’m bouta tell you the funniest joke I heard:
Two hunters are in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn’t seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his phone and called emergency services. The operator them hears the problem and says “ Well, let’s make sure he’s dead” A shot is them heard. The other guy says” Ok, now what?”
Did u laugh?
Remember kids, if you're in a big problem, yell SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEËEEEEEEEEĒEEEEĘEEEEEEEEESH!
The old cookoo master on the top of Mt. Qinshan told me this when I was eating sushi:
"The first bite tastes like heaven, the second takes you there."
One time, I was making a caramel apple.
When I mistook 1 gallon of caramel for 1 camel!
One time, I worked at 3 jobs at the same time and my boss said it was illegal.
It got too out of hand and I got spanked.
Some guy: making a sandwich.
Me: *rages* to put the ham in!
The doctor had an ego so big, it fell into the ocean fast.
Yesterday, I was on a reality TV show where they locked me up with all those smelly monkeys from the Leger Zoo. It was complete madness.
One time, I worked at the zoo and I was feeding the monkeys.
And one of them μяɨɲąţ€ď on me.
And I went to the hospital and got a bloody nose the next day.
One time I was playing a bongo at a Chinese restaurant.
But they were competing against a Cuban restaurant and killed me.
My bro’s parents died, but he didn’t know why.
Turns out they died because he was a failure, and he would be going to an orphanage in 4 days.
One time I broke a leg and I was using a wheelchair.
My parents thought I was a disappointment and put me up on eBay, the Ohioan Black Market, and the nearest adoption center.
How I talk: Hello
How Stitch talks: HeLlO.
I was working at Fredbear’s, but then I got bite of ‘83’d.
I have said a ton of jokes in my lifetime.
But I got fired from that job.
I was doing some karate the other day at the studio.
They kicked me out because I was doing “kungi fui.”
I work at a movie studio.
Unfortunately, the team I was working with was useless.
The team:
I traveled through time to get my dad back.
I failed because I was 1e21 years off.