The Flanders Song
God said to Noah, "There’s gonna be a floody-floody."
Rain came down, it started to get muddy-muddy.
Get these animals👏out of the arky-arky."
"Leave me alone!"
The Flanders Song
God said to Noah, "There’s gonna be a floody-floody."
Rain came down, it started to get muddy-muddy.
Get these animals👏out of the arky-arky."
"Leave me alone!"
Me: uses the crucifix.
Rush: Ahahahahahahæanananana!
Bro, if you have anorexia, you have no skin at all.
Why did the fish go to the doctor?
Because he was feeling “eel.”
I’m autistic and I don’t approve of you guys making fun of the 75,000,000 other people
I have a riddle for you:
10 people are on a boat, but they all die due to a tsunami except the captain.
Then, when he gets home, his wife serves him “penguin meat.”
Once he eats it, he starts crying.
Weed: *gets hit my his own power*
Cop: Wait, shouldn’t you be resistant to your own element?
Weed: Are you resistant to bullets when you shoot a gun?
(From Unknown Superheroes 11 by I am Mobo
It’s like I always tell my kids:
"Two in the pink, one in the stink."
One time, me and the bois got drunk and we were on the freeway...
...when the road was closed because a wild animal species named “The Cult” was on the loose.
Slow and steady wins the race...
...but it will never fix your ugly face
Boss: Can I do a reference check?
Me: I don’t have a...
*sensei appears*
Me: oh no
Sensei: He was a good student, but he lacked kizma.
Boss: What's kiz...
Me: Oh no, here we go.
Sensei: Kizma AS-
Me: Hey, are you going to Sawcon?
Sensei: What is that?
Me: Saw con deez nu...
Sensei: Oh, is it for people with ligma?
Me: What’s ligm...
Sensei: 😈
Me: no no no no
Sensei: Ligma ba...
Me: If my face looked like yours, I would sue my parents.
Sensei: That’s funny, because when your parents dropped you off at the temple, they got a fine for littering.
Cop: Hehe, that’s funny because I gave them the fine!
Is anyone going to Sawcon?
Why was 6 afraid of 9?
Because 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,Happy New Years!
Ferb is older than Phineas because his last line.
Ferb: "I’m boutta blow this sh*t!"
Banker: I have the right to take your money!
Me: Check my name.
Banker: Robin D. Bank, why?
Banker: *realizes*
Me: 😈🖐️ Gimme, gimme.
One time, I was working this steamroller when the guy who I squashed farted.
I guess that’s what you call “FLAT”ulence.
Guy with no arms: Even if I don’t have arms, I can do everything you can d..
🎵if you’re happy and you know it clap your hands🎵