Bro told me this when he passed away.
I’m “Fading.”
Bro told me this when he passed away.
I’m “Fading.”
What did the white baby say to his Chinese parents?
"Two wongs don’t make a white."
Qualification Check:
Friended ✔
When people ask my age, this is what I do.
Monkeys are big, but they sure can swing very lightly.
The Flanders Song
God said to Noah, "There’s gonna be a floody-floody."
Rain came down, it started to get muddy-muddy.
Get these animals👏out of the arky-arky."
"Leave me alone!"
Me: uses the crucifix.
Rush: Ahahahahahahæanananana!
Bro, if you have anorexia, you have no skin at all.
Why did the fish go to the doctor?
Because he was feeling “eel.”
I’m autistic and I don’t approve of you guys making fun of the 75,000,000 other people
I have a riddle for you:
10 people are on a boat, but they all die due to a tsunami except the captain.
Then, when he gets home, his wife serves him “penguin meat.”
Once he eats it, he starts crying.
Weed: *gets hit my his own power*
Cop: Wait, shouldn’t you be resistant to your own element?
Weed: Are you resistant to bullets when you shoot a gun?
(From Unknown Superheroes 11 by I am Mobo
It’s like I always tell my kids:
"Two in the pink, one in the stink."
One time, me and the bois got drunk and we were on the freeway...
...when the road was closed because a wild animal species named “The Cult” was on the loose.
Slow and steady wins the race...
...but it will never fix your ugly face
Boss: Can I do a reference check?
Me: I don’t have a...
*sensei appears*
Me: oh no
Sensei: He was a good student, but he lacked kizma.
Boss: What's kiz...
Me: Oh no, here we go.
Sensei: Kizma AS-
Me: Hey, are you going to Sawcon?
Sensei: What is that?
Me: Saw con deez nu...
Sensei: Oh, is it for people with ligma?
Me: What’s ligm...
Sensei: 😈
Me: no no no no
Sensei: Ligma ba...
Me: If my face looked like yours, I would sue my parents.
Sensei: That’s funny, because when your parents dropped you off at the temple, they got a fine for littering.
Cop: Hehe, that’s funny because I gave them the fine!
Is anyone going to Sawcon?
Why was 6 afraid of 9?
Because 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,Happy New Years!